Friday, July 2, 2010

The Lost Child

I do a lot of thinking before I fall asleep at night which leads to not being able to sleep. One of these thoughts is about being a child and loosing the childs view as we grow older. As adults we tend to look at the little symbol and words that say what age the toy may be suitable for. Sometimes we might even consult with the retail assistant for advice. Then you have two grown-ups debating what is suitable for perhaps that four year old. When I was little, I used to be puzzled by thoes age appropriate signs on toys. I thought if you were a child once, which everyone has, you could, would and should know what is appropriate for a child at whatever age. It just made sense and now it doesn't make any sense to how I can't recall or think what children like and dislike. Their world is all foreign to me and I don't know when I left that child in me behind. When did this happen? I am now one of thoes adults who have trouble buying gifts for children and even recommending films and novels because I don't know if they are appropriate and if they will understand it. Then when they do understand it, we get all surprised that make remarks about them being so smart. I will probably end up being one of thoes aunts who will buy a t-shirt two sizes too small and then be really surprised by how much they have grown.

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